Pokemon fusion calculator

Pokémon Fusion Calculator

Pokémon Fusion Calculator

Combine Two Pokémon to See Their Stats!

Just for fun! Explore the fusion of your favorite Pokémon!

Pokémon Fusion Calculator

What would happen if Charizard and Pikachu had a baby? Or Gengar with Bulbasaur? Well, wonder no more! And so, The Pokémon Fusion Calculator exists to make your most extreme desires for a fusion into an actual real deal. 

Sep 22, Whether you are a veteran Pokémon Trainer or just starting out with the new Let’s Go games, this calculator is for everyone. In this post we will take a deeper look on what makes the Homebrewery so cool, and how you can use it to create new Pokémon of your own.

What is the Pokémon Fusion Calculator?

In the world of Pokémon, there’s this odd fascination among our kind with taking one monster and melting it together into another. 

Although the player only selects two Pokémon, by this alone a fusion is created between two parentous Bushes of different (or same) attributes and modeling said traits into brand-new offspring.


Whether you’re gunning for the top tier of combos or just wondering about the ugliest possible abomination, this is a cool and amusing new addition to Pokémon lore!


Pokémon fusions are no stranger either — with fans conjuring up their own unique creations in concept for what must be years now. But the idea really caught on with fan games and online application. 

In the early 2010s, one of these toy websites surfaced with a tool called Pokémon Fusion Calculator where users could chef up and see their own hybrid Pokémons. 

The calculator became popular within the realm of Pokémon, updated as new features and a growing number of creatures arrived through subsequent entries.


How to use the Pokémon Fusion Calculator

You already know that catching a Magikarp is easier than using the Pokémon Fusion Calculator. Given two Pokémon, the tool uses features like type and move-set as well visual characteristics to come up with a new fusion.

Often times it is a medley of physical features/forms from its ‘parents’, making the fusion Pokémon new, rare, and as in some cases comical.. This is an updated version of the calculator and it makes sure that you can try out all new Pokémon added to Pokédex in its corresponding generation.

Of course, the Pokémon Fusion Calculator isn’t actually doing high-level arithmetic — instead it has a basic algorithm that decides how one of the two Pokémon you select will be fused. The Fusion algorithm consider the base statistics, Type and design from each Pokémon to make its fusion. 

For example, a mix of Pikachu and Charmander creates an adorable electric/fire Pokémon that is both incredibly fast: This or that, the sky is really the limit and you never know what life can throw at your way!


Using a Pokémon Fusion calculator

Finding your perfect Pokémon companion is simple using the Pokemon Fusion Calculator Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Pick Your Pokémon: Select a pair of Pokémon from the drop down lists
  2. Create the Fusion: Press Fuse and see your hybrid in action.
  3. View Results: As previously mentioned, the calculator will show you your new Pokémon along with its type, stats and occasionally even a cheeky little descriptor.

Explore & Showcase: Scale through the possibilities and share your concoctions with friends or on social media.

It works great for those who just want to have fun but also provides value for the hardcore Trainers looking to craft their best battle-ready fusion


Benefits of using Pokémon Fusion Calculator

What Is The Use Of Pokémon Fusion Calculator Anyways, apart from the simple joys of making some weird and strong fusions there are actually several good things:

  1. Creative Expression: The calculator challenges you to play with Pokémon in a new creative way, thinking outside the box.
  2. Strategic Depth: Since you basically mix two Pokémon with colours and abilities of various combinations, it’s possible to have offspring that are more powerful or versatile than its parent/s.
  3. 💕Tons of Replayability – Create and find new Pokémon with hundreds of possible combinations!
  4. Community Engagement: Sharing your creative fusions in the Pokémon community means you can have fun discussions and possibly spark ideas for others.

Real-Life Examples 

The War-Time Fusion

Pretend you are going to war with a Level 100 Pokémon. You have to be fast and ultra tankiest Pokémon with a lot of offensive power. You smash together Blastoise and Machamp with The Pokémon Fusion Calculator. The result? Water, Fighting — The first evolutionary form and flagship of the Signature Moves Island is an impressively strong physical attacker with high defenses. This mix and match gives you the upper hand to outlive your opponent, showing that two heads (or in this case: Pokémon) might be better than one.

The Cute Overload

They are not the Pokébattle-ready Champions that we want but, instead of just Whitney and Giovanni in disquise… Some people out there only want to start with the cutest Pokémon. You mix Eevee and Jigglypuff with the Pokémon Fusion Calculator. The result? Fuzzy, warm-bodied and great at the puppy eyes with a voice of unearthly sweetness able to work its way into even fae-hardened hearts. This mashup may not be the most formidable, but its high up there for a cute-war!


The Pokémon Fusion Calculator is not just a tool; it’s an open door to limitless creativity and exploration in the vast land of Poké-dition [Pokémon + addition, get it?]. Want to build the ultimate battle Pokémon or see how your favourite characters stack up if they fuzed and this calculator is able to fulfil that dream. Unleash your wildest fantasies and Go Fuse!


1. Pokémon fusion calculator — which Pokémon can you fuse?

This calculator spans generations with lots of Pokémon in it As the series introduces new Pokemon, the calculator is updated to add them into your options for fusions.

2. Is the fusion Pokémon implemented in any official Pokemon games?

The Pokémon that the Fusion Calculator generates are not real, they cannot be used in any official POKEMON games. But they are a neat way to try new things and show off what you cooked up for the Pokémon community.

3. Now, the question is HOW does Poké Fusion Calculator determine the stats of fusion Pokemon?

The base stats of the two chosen Pokémon are combined to determine your fusion Pokémon’s new Stats. This one focuses on type(s), abilities and moves to come up with a mix that way.

4. Is there a limit between Pokemon and fuse?

Only two Pokémon can be fused at one time. This means that you can almost never run out of Pokemon combinations given list with hundreds of available Pokémon to pick from.

5. Am I allowed to distribute this on social media, or is my own combination Pokemon?

Absolutely! It is a tool (Pokémon Fusion Calculator), made to be shared. After you make your mash-up, sharing it to social media or with friends is about as easy a process as there could be.


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